Sunday 27 December 2009


Where does it start, and where does it stop? What should you do when you can't see the woods for the trees when you are quite happy looking at the trees? And how do you know what to do next?

He is no longer just a figment of my imagination; for some time he has been a living breathing body, living beside me, breathing beside me, completing a puzzle I didn't realise required a resolution. Does he fulfill my ego, or is he penetrating it? What will he do when he realises he has my heart?

Instinct drives me to despair, to a place where I am at his mercy, he is at mine, and we are at each others. Is it him that I like, or is it myself in him that I like? How far can you go with someone who pushes you in the way that you push them?

How much would you sacrifice for a journey of self-exploration? That is the real question. When I decided that nothing would be off limits with Him I don't think I realised what was beyond my self imposed limits, so yet again I find myself in sticky territory, longing to be alone and to have the space which that allows, yet simultaneously yearning to share that time with Him for nothing more than to clock up yet more magical hours spent with Him, as well as the periodic tender kiss onto my forehead that he is so fond of delivering.

As I commit pixels to monitor I'm immediately drawn to the backspace button - it's so much more than that. I don't know where this will stop, when it will stop, or if it should stop - my instinct is telling me that it will but does not allude to a reason. Is it me, is it him, is it us? I don't know, but I quiver at the thought of him, and the thought of more of him, and at the thought of more of us.

I know who he is now, he's the Magician.

1 comment:

  1. Do as I do Hot Cockles baby: take each meeting with Him for what it is - a pleasurable way to spend a few hours diversion from your everyday life..

    I decided a long time ago that it is not worth losing sleep over lovers and have come up with the ethos of treating every meeting with a loveer as if it were our last - in that I have a good time but try not to think of the future/next meeting..

    The single most important thing I have learnt is that one never knows what is around the corner in ones life and nowhere is this more apparent than when playing the infidelity game..

    I do however know from personal experience that that is easire said (or in this case typed) than done as I have found out on the rare times where I have forged an emotional bond of some kind with a lover..

    Hope this helps..

    XOXO as always,

